[美文欣赏]初二(1)班--My favourite educational computer game

时间:2010/5/4 17:41:38 来源:作者:无字体显示:大 中 小阅读:1357 次


 My favourite educational computer game 

   My favourit computer game is called “ Hunt for the witch”. It is an educational coputer game with 8 levels. The main character is a boy called Gudi. He is 10 years old.

   The game is set in a small village in Europe. The goal of the game is to use geography and maths to find clues that will lead him to the evil’s house.

   The game was designed by candy in 2005. It was produced by New Century Games Co. . It is sold in Europe, Asia and the USA.

                              Written by zhou huaimian

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